turtle and moon painting party cacti subject

Turtle And Moon Painting Party


turtle and moon painting party poster

Imagine an afternoon in the friendliest cafe in town, painting in the best of company. We had the idea to collaborate with a local cafe to put together a workshop that combines both art and socializing. A friendly atmosphere where people can come and socialise, while painting and enjoying lovely drinks and snacks. Our painting party’s are a fun expressive session, without expectations of producing something, but rather a session that allows people the freedom to explore their creative side.

turtle and moon painting party

Knowing that sometimes it can be a  struggle to paint spontaneously we have been working hard to create a series of painting themes for our parties. At Sykaminia Café we were inspired by the rich Mexican colours and the succulents that decorate the tables. We gave each person a canvas board, lots of colours and let the magic begin.

Some people came alone, some with old friends, it’s a great way to meet people. Painting gives a focal point, it triggers stories, emotions, ideas and jokes. There is a lot of laughter.

Then at the end of the workshop you get to go home with a wonderful painting for your wall.

We will soon be organising our next party! If you would like to join us sign up to our newsletter for the latest updates!